This site features materials such as photographs, maps, newspapers, posters, reports and other media from the University of Washington Libraries (including Special Collections), University of Washington Faculty and Departments, and organizations that have participated in partner projects with the UW Libraries. The collections emphasize rare and unique materials. Other UW Libraries collections are UW Bothell Collections, UW Tacoma Collections, and UW Image Bank (UW restricted).
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Alaska, Western Canada and United States Collection Images documenting Alaska and Western Canada, primarily the provinces of Yukon Territory and British Columbia depicting scenes of the Gold Rush of 1898, city street scenes, Eskimo and Native Americans of the region, hunting and fishing, and transportation.
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition Photographs Photographs of the 1909 fair held on the grounds of the University of Washington, depicting buildings, grounds, entertainment and exotic attractions.
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Ancient Near East Photograph Collection Images of archaeological sites, artifacts and structures from the Middle East, specifically Egypt and Israel, dating from 3000 BCE to 200 CE.
Architecture of the Pacific Northwest Selected architectural drawings representing regionally significant architects and designers spanning the period from the 1880’s into the 1980's. This collection showcases design and working drawings of important examples of both historic and more contemporary residential, commercial, and public buildings in the Puget Sound region.
Asian Architecture Collection: Photographs by Patricia Young Photographs of architecture from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam by art historian Patricia Young.
Barnes (Albert H.)Photographs of Western Washington, 1895-1920 Turn of the 20th century photographs documenting the landscape, people, and cities and towns of Western Washington.
Boyd and Braas Photographs of Seattle and Washington State, 1888-1893 Photographs from approximately 1888-1893 of early Seattle, especially the waterfront and street scenes, Madrona and Leschi parks, Native American hop pickers, portraits of Seattle pioneers, and the Great Seattle Fire.
Brumfield (William Craft) Russian Architecture Digital Collection Over 29,000 images of Russian sites, mostly buildings constructed from the Middle Ages and the present. Photographs were taken between 1970 and 2008 by Professor William Craft Brumfield of Tulane University.
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Centralia Tragedy and the Industrial Workers of the World Collection, 1912-1932 A selection of items drawn from the Seattle office of the Industrial Workers of the World labor organization. Includes pamphlets, leaflets and correspondence documenting the I.W.W.'s involvement in the Centralia Tragedy of 1919 and general publications from the national I.W.W. organization.
Chandless (Robert Henry) Photographs of China, 1898-1908 Items from the Robert Henry Chandless Collection of images from China, 1898-1908. They depict images of the Boxer Rebellion in 1900, glimpses of diplomatic and commercial life during that time period, and the early wool industry in Tientson.
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Cities and Buildings Database Images of buildings and city views drawn from across time and throughout the world.
Civil War Letters Collection A selection of original Civil War correspondence between soldiers from the battlefields and their family members and friends on the homefront. These letters describe firsthand accounts of battle, reflections on the nature of war and its profound effect on those involved - both on those at the front lines and loved ones who remained anxiously at home.
Civil Works Administration Photographs of King County, 1933-1934 SGreen浏览器官方网站-免费科学加速:SGreen浏览器官网提供新一伟基于全新Shadowsocks & VNP架构科学加速浏览器,流畅访问Google、YouTube、Facebook、Twitter等各种热门网站,为用户带来更轻、更快、更安全的浏览体验
Cobb (John N.) Photographs of the Fishing Industry, 1897-1917 Images from approximately 1897-1917 of salmon and other local fisheries, whaling activities, clamming and oystering industries along the Pacific Coast and Alaska.
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Darrington Historical Society's SR 530 Landslide Collection Digital collection of artifacts related to the landslide that occured near Darrington and Oso, Washington on March 22, 2014. This collection is presented by the Darrington Historical Society as a way to relay the experience, and tell the story from the perspective of the Darrington Community.
Dearborn and Massar Photographs of Pacific Northwest Architecture, 1943-1963 Images chosen from a group of approximately 6000 photographic prints representing the work of some of the most well known architects in the Pacific Northwest. Photographed by the partnership of Phyllis Dearborn and Robert Massar.
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Donaldson (Lauren R.) Collection of South Pacific Radiological Surveys, 1946-1964 A sampling of personal logs, photo albums, ephemera, and papers from the radiological surveys undertaken after atmospheric nuclear weapons testing conducted by the United States in the South Pacific between 1946 and 1964.
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Early Washington Maps Maps offering rich insight to 300 years of Pacific Northwest history. These items are hosted by green加速器下载 app.
Ethnomusicology Musical Instrument Collection Photographs and videos of musical instruments from around the world. The growing collection is housed in the University of Washington Ethnomusicology Division which invites one or more international artists to campus each year to share their musical traditions through teaching and performance.
Everett Massacre of 1916 Collection Items documenting labor's perspective on the events of the 1916 Everett Massacre. The materials are drawn from the Seattle Union Record and the writings of Anna Louise Strong, among others.
Fashion Plate Collection Fashion plates from the 19th and early 20th centuries of women's and men's costume. Drawn from the some of the leading fashion journals of the time, they depict styles and dress from the Empire (1806-1813), Georgian (1806-1836), Regency (1811-1820), Romantic (1825-1850), Victorian (1837-1859), Late Victorian (1860-1900) and Edwardian (1901-1915) periods.
Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) Photographs of King County, 1933-1935 Images documenting the Federal Emergency Relief Administration program in King County, Washington, 1933-35. This was one of the first relief operations organized under Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal designed to provide state assistance for the unemployed who suffered under the Great Depression.
Freshwater and Marine Image Bank Over 21,000 historic images relating to freshwater and marine subjects including dams, fisheries, fish species, vessels and maps.
Gairola Indian Art & Architecture Image Collection Professor Gairola was an avid traveler who often led study tours to key art history/archaeological sites on the Indian subcontinent. It is believed that he made this slide collection for the classes he taught, during various trips to India and South Asia from 1950s to 2000. [Subset of International Collection.]
苹果手机下了ins,要怎么登录?:2021-3-31 · 已经无法再直接连接或者使用传统加速模式连接INS的服务器,不是你本地设备或者网络错误的问题,而是Green、天行、Seed等一系列的传统海外V*N通信技术也都因为现在的新规定,网站都已经停止运营(现在搜索到的广告结果都是仿冒的),都不能 ... Photograph collections on glaciers, landforms, geology, glaciology, and related subjects from the materials in Special Collections.
Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Portraits 加速器下载_网游加速器安装板/免安装版下载-斧牛加速器:2021-6-1 · 斧牛加速器官方下载,速度快、超稳定、注册即送超长免费时长。斧牛网游加速器 专业解决游戏延迟、卡顿、掉线等问题。为百万玩家畅玩游戏保驾护航。 2 bid_download 下载客户端 专线加速 快无止境 千款 游戏 全面覆盖 不卡顿 不丢包 超稳定 低延迟 ...
Grand Coulee Dam Construction, 1933-1942 Documentation using photographs and pamphlets of the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam, built during 1933 to 1942 as part of the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project for the development of the Columbia River for waterpower, irrigation, and flood control. Includes a look at the recommendations for and against building the dam, images of land clearing activities by the Public Works Administration, and the dam construction itself.
Green加速器安卓版_Green加速器APP v1.7最新下载 - 软件帝:2021-10-25 · Green加速器软件特色 1.联网加速、外服畅游: Green网络加速器具备游戏加速器功能,可伡在您进行外服网络游戏时实现网络加速的效果,使您不再因为网速慢而落后于其他玩家! 2.智能穿透、畅通访问: 网络穿透性好。适合有本地局域网有防火墙限制的情况 Interview recordings from the late 1980s and early 90s that relate to post-war Seattle history and cover a diverse array of topics -- such as transportation, race relations, housing, city planning and labor -- narrated by an equally diverse group including well-known politicians such as Cheryl Chow, Martha Choe and Paul Schell; community activists such as Aaron Dixon and Hazel Wolf. [Subset of green加速器下载 app.]
Harriman Alaska Expedition of 1899 Photographs from 1899 of Edward Harriman's scientific expedition to Alaska, including images of Alaskan Native Americans and their villages, scenic views of the coastline, glaciers and Alaskan towns.
Hegg (Eric A.) Photographs of Alaska and the Klondike, 1897-1901 Photographs from 1897-1901 documenting the Klondike and Alaska gold rushes, including depictions of frontier life in Skagway and Nome, Alaska and Dawson, Yukon Territory.
Hester (Wilhelm) Photographs Photographs from approximately 1893-1906 of Puget Sound sailing vessels and ships' crews, the Alaska Gold Rush in Nome and vicinity in 1900, images of logging activities in Washington state, and San Francisco's Chinatown.
Historical Book Arts Collection A teaching tool featuring a sampling of materials held in the Special Collections Division focusing on the history of the book and medieval manuscripts from the 11th to the 19th century. The digital collection is comprised of images of binding, printing, papermaking and illustration examples and techniques.
Historical Children's Literature Collection This database chronicles by example the history of educational practice and reading, and the changing perceptions of gender, race and class and the role of religion in teaching. Both European and American books from the 18th to the 20th c. are represented in this collection.
Industries and Occupations Photographs Images, primarily from the 1880s to the 1940s, in an ever-growing digital collection of photographs documenting the workers of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska.
International Collections Images of views from Asia and South America with special emphasis on China, India, Japan and other southeast Asian countries. Included are photographs and photographic postcards taken between the 1870s- 1930s. Sub-collections include the Gairola Indian Art and Architecture Image Collection and the R. Nath Mughal Architecture Image Collection.
Jackson (Henry M.) Collection Photographs of the political career and personal life of Henry M. Jackson. He began his Congressional career in 1941, first as a representative and then as a senator during a period that spanned 43 years and nine presidents. Jackson was a strong player in foreign and defense policies, as well as domestic energy and environmental policies, serving as a member on the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, the Armed Services Committee, the Governmental Affairs Committee, and chairman of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs.
K-Manhwa: Korean Graphic Novel Cover Art K-Manhwa (Korean graphic novels) have been part of Korean popular culture since the early twentieth century. A selection of over 1,000 covers have been digitized for viewing here.
Katims (Milton) Audio Collection Katims (Milton) was the conductor of the Seattle Symphony from 1954 to 1976. This collection contains digitized versions of the audio reels he donated to the University of Washington Music Library. (UW-Restricted collection)
Kiehl (H. Ambrose ) Photograph Collection A selection of photographs from the H. Ambrose Kiehl Photograph Collection taken between 1890 and 1917. The photographs are typical of those found in many family albums of that period and illustrate everyday family life at the turn of the century.
King County Collects Heritage Collection 英特尔®创新加速器 | CurieNeurons实例:颜色识别:器材: GY-31颜色传感器 * 1 DFROBOT AD Keyboard 五按钮模块 * 1 DFROBOT IO Expansion Shield IO扩展板 * 1 Arduino101 * 1 接线方法: 首先将GY-31与IO扩展版连接: S0连接D5 S1连接D6 S2连 …
King County Snapshots King County, Washington, through 12,000 historical 19th and 20th century images portraying people, places, and events in the county's urban, suburban, and rural communities. Items from Black Heritage Society, Eastside Heritage Center, Maple Valley Historical Society, Museum of History & Industry, Northwest Railway Museum, Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society, Rainier Valley Historical Society, Renton Historical Museum, Shoreline Historical Museum, University of WA Libraries, White River Valley Museum, and Wing Luke Asian Museum
Kinsey Brothers Photographs of the Lumber Industry and the Pacific Northwest, 1890-1945 Images from the period 1890-1939, documenting the logging industry and other forest related activities in Washington State. Includes images of loggers and logging camps, skid roads, donkey engines, loading operations, logging trucks and railroads.
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KRAB-FM Lesbian-Feminist Radio Program Recordings Clips, discussions, and interviews from the Lesbian Feminist radio broadcasts on KRAB-FM in Seattle during the early 1970s.
La Roche (Frank) Photographs SGreen浏览器官方网站-免费科学加速:SGreen浏览器官网提供新一伟基于全新Shadowsocks & VNP架构科学加速浏览器,流畅访问Google、YouTube、Facebook、Twitter等各种热门网站,为用户带来更轻、更快、更安全的浏览体验
Labor Archives Digital Resources Portal The Labor Archives of Washington State has hundreds of photographs and digitized documents showing workers, industrial settings, strikes and union activities, civil rights campaigns, and more. This portal highlights items from those collections.
Lee (James Patrick) Photographs of Seattle Photographs of Seattle, approximately 1904-1940, depicting regrading projects, municipal services, and local neighborhood architecture, as well as scenes from the Great Depression including "Hooverville" and labor rallies of the unemployed.
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McKenney and Hall Indian Tribes of North America Text and hand colored lithographs from: The history of the Indian tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. Embellished with one hundred and twenty portraits, from the Indian gallery in the Department of war, at Washington. By Thomas L. McKenney and James Hall. Philadelphia, E. C. Biddle, 1836-1844.
Medieval and Historical Manuscripts Collection Medieval books and fragments from books typically found in medieval libraries during the periods known as the High Middle Ages (1000–1300 CE) and Late Middle Ages (1300-1500 CE.)
Meed (William E.) Photographs of the Yukon Territory, 1898-1907 Photographs, approximately 1898-1907, of scenes in the Yukon Territory, Canada, and portions of Alaska and British Columbia during the Klondike gold rush.
Menus Collection A selection of historical menus and other graphic materials from restaurants and dining facilities in the Pacific Northwest from 1889 to 2003 including the Space Needle Restaurant, Ivar's Acres of Clams, the Dog House, and cruises aboard the Alaska and Pacific Steam Ship Lines.
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Karen Morell's Africa, New Orleans, and Trinidad Multimedia Collection Archival items come from live performances, formal and informal interviews, lectures, readings, images, writings, and drawings.
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Mount St. Helens Succession Collection Photographs in a study of plant habitats following the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens. Included are "permanent plot views", photos taken of the same site over a period of years, along with more general photos of impacted habitats and photos of some of the more common species of plants.
The Mountaineers Photographic Album Collection, 1907-1951 A selection of photographic albums and text documenting the Mountaineers official annual outings undertaken by club members from 1907-1951, primarily on the Olympic Peninsula, in Mount Rainier National Park and on Glacier Peak. The images depict camping and climbing activities, equipment and pack horses, portraits of members, and a variety of splendid scenic views of the Northwest.
Mountains and Mountaineering in the Pacific Northwest Portal for digital resources about mountains and mountaineering in Special Collections at the University of Washington. This project has made textual and visual resources about the history of Pacific Northwest mountaineering available online through the University of Washington Libraries Digital Collection.
Moving Image Collection One to four minute film clips from home movies, industrial films, documentaries, news footage, art films, and photomicroscopy techniques. Sub-collections include the Richard J. Blandau Film Collection, Ruth and Louis Kirk Moving Image Collection, the Mountaineers Film Collection, and the Newsfilm of Grays Harbor County Collection
Music Library Digital Scores Collection Musical scores dating from the 17th through 19th centuries comprised mainly of operas, opera excerpts, and other vocal music.
Napoleonic Period Collection of Political Caricatures Satirical prints, or caricatures, from the Napoleonic Period, all giving political commentary on events of the period. Fifty of the prints were created by French artists, and thirty-three by English artists.
R. Nath Mughal Architecture Image Collection Professor R. Nath's collection of Mughal architecture. Mughal architecture was a far reaching and highly influential style of Indian architecture throughout the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, with roots in Islamic and Persian monuments. Subset of International Collection.
Green加速器安卓版_Green加速器APP v1.7最新下载 - 软件帝:2021-10-25 · Green加速器软件特色 1.联网加速、外服畅游: Green网络加速器具备游戏加速器功能,可伡在您进行外服网络游戏时实现网络加速的效果,使您不再因为网速慢而落后于其他玩家! 2.智能穿透、畅通访问: 网络穿透性好。适合有本地局域网有防火墙限制的情况 The Nikkei Newspapers Digital Archive (NNDA) is a project of the Hokubei Hochi (North American Post) Foundation and the University of Washington Libraries. The newspapers, North American Times (1902-1942) and North American Post (1946-1950),two significant newspapers which tell the story of Japanese immigration and Japanese American community life in Seattle and beyond.
Nineteenth (19th) Century Actors and Theater Photographs Over 600 photographs including cartes-de-visite and cabinet card studio portraits of entertainers, actors, and actresses who performed on the American stage in the mid- to late 1800s. Many are posed in costume and represent characters from popular theatrical productions of the time.
Northwest Historical Annual Reports Collection A growing collection of annual financial reports of companies currently or historically based in the Pacific Northwest.
Nowell (Frank H.) Photographs of Alaska, 1901-1909 Photographs by Frank Nowell documentating scenery, towns, businesses, mining activities, Native Americans, and Eskimos in the vicinity of Nome, Alaska from 1901-1909.
Green加速器安卓版_Green加速器APP v1.7最新下载 - 软件帝:2021-10-25 · Green加速器软件特色 1.联网加速、外服畅游: Green网络加速器具备游戏加速器功能,可伡在您进行外服网络游戏时实现网络加速的效果,使您不再因为网速慢而落后于其他玩家! 2.智能穿透、畅通访问: 网络穿透性好。适合有本地局域网有防火墙限制的情况 A web-based museum showcasing aspects of the rich history and culture of Washington State's Olympic Peninsula communities. Features cultural exhibits, curriculum packets and a searchable archive of over 12,000 items that includes historical photographs, audio recordings, videos, maps, diaries, reports and other documents.
Oral History Collection (Many Paths, Many Voices) An ever-growing collection of oral histories from the Libraries Special Collections documenting the history and culture of our region. Included are interviews with members of the green加速器下载破解版, African American, Japanese American, and Jewish communities along with the Northwest Arts community, the North Cascades History Project, the East Asia Library Oral History Project, and the 嘻游加速器免费最新版下载_官方版下载_52pk软件下载:2021-2-13 · 嘻游加速器官方正式版下载 版本:v8.0.0.2 【软件介绍】 嘻游网游加速器(嘻游加速器)可伡提高网络速度,是玩网游的必备。支持国内绝大部分的网络游戏都提供支持,不需要针对游戏做任何改动。
Pacific Coast Architecture Database (PCAD) A separate database of buildings and designers of California, Oregon and Washington. Professionals in other fields related to architecture are also included, such as landscape architects, interior designers, engineers, urban planners, developers, and building contractors. You may also view only the items contained within our digital collection.
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Pacific Northwest Historical Documents Database A collection of writings, diaries, letters, and reminiscences drawn from various sources within the Special Collections Division collections that recount the early settlement of Washington in the 19th century, the establishment of homesteads and towns and the hardships faced by many of the early pioneers.
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Pacific Northwest Sheet Music Collection The Pacific Northwest Sheet Music Collection contains music from and about Washington State, the Pacific Northwest and the University. This collection represents a fraction of the Ashford Sheet Music Collection which was built from a core collection donated by Paul Ashford to the University of Washington in 1959.
Pamphlets and Textual Documents Collection Documents, pamphlets, booklets, flyers, and other original material drawn from the Pacific Northwest Collection of pamphlets and books, the Theater program collection, and various textual ephemeral collections.
Panoramic Photographs Collection Features images of Front St. Dawson around the time of the Klondike Gold Rush, sweeping city views of Seattle after the turn of the century and the memorable Mississippi flood of 1927. Other photographs feature group portraits, city scenes, and landscapes.
Payne (Blanche) Regional Costume Photograph and Drawing Collection 多加速器驱动AGX的目标检测与车道分割_吴建明wujianming ...:今天 · 多加速器驱动AGX的目标检测与车道分割Object Detection and Lane Segmentation Using MultipleAccelerators with DRIVE AGX自动驾驶汽车需要快速、准确地感知周围环境,伡便同时实时完成一系列广泛的任务。系统需要在各种环境、条件和情况下处理 ...
Peiser (Theodore E.) Photographs of Washington State Images taken by the pioneer photographer, Theodore Peiser, in the later part of the 19th century to about 1907. Among his subjects were images of troops preparing to embark from Fort Lawton to China in 1900, the Territorial University and early Seattle scenes.
Pickett (Lee) Photographs of Washington State, 1909-1936 Photographs documenting scenes from Snohomish, King and Chelan Counties in Washington State from the early 1900s to the 1940s. These include the towns and people of Index, Gold Bar, Scenic, and Sultan. Contains images of local industries, such as the Heybrook Lumber Co. and Index Granite Works, as well as photos of the Great Northern Railway Company.
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Portraits Collection An ongoing database of historical portraits of men and women well known in the Pacific Northwest region and also nationwide. These include among others architects, artists and writers, government officials and politicians, and historians and educators.
Prior and Norris Vaudeville Troupe Photographs and Ephemera, 1886-1915 Photographs and ephemera relating to the career of Pat Prior and Effie Norris documenting their life on the road while performing on the American vaudeville circuits around the turn of the century, 1886-1915.
多加速器驱动AGX的目标检测与车道分割_吴建明wujianming ...:今天 · 多加速器驱动AGX的目标检测与车道分割Object Detection and Lane Segmentation Using MultipleAccelerators with DRIVE AGX自动驾驶汽车需要快速、准确地感知周围环境,伡便同时实时完成一系列广泛的任务。系统需要在各种环境、条件和情况下处理 ... Photographic albums containing images collected and annotated by Thomas Prosch, one of Seattle's earliest pioneers. Images document scenes in Eastern Washington especially Chelan and vicinity, and Seattle's early history including the Seattle Fire of 1889.
Puget Sound Chemist The bulletin of the Puget Sound Section of the American Chemical society which documents the history of chemistry in the Puget Sound region.
NVIDIA推出了DGX A100 AI加速器_拉美贸易经济网:2021-6-11 · NVIDIA推出了DGX A100 AI加速器 如何使用带有VS Code的浏览器对Raspberry Pi进行远程编程 这个Raspberry Pi项目可帮助您在拼字游戏中击败对手 顶级液体冷却装置制造商EK Water Blocks正在更新EK-Classic套件 CS2130 M.2 NVMe SSD具有三种不同的 Photographs from around 1925 promotional album for Mount Rainier National Park depicting tourist facilities, scenic views of the mountain and surrounding parkland, and recreational activities including mountaineering.
Salmon in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska Collection, 1890-1961 Several hundred photographs and 23 documents describing the place of salmon in the Pacific Northwest in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the roots of the salmon crisis.
Sarvant (Henry M.) Photographs of Washington State and the Yukon, 1892-1912 Photographs by photographer Henry Mason Sarvant depicting his climbing expeditions to Mt. Rainier and scenes of the vicinity from 1892-1912. Also included are images of his trip to the Klondike gold fields in 1897 documenting his journey over the Chilkoot Pass and subsequent mining activities in the vicinity of Dawson, Yukon Territory.
Sayre (J. Willis) Collection of Theatrical Photographs Images collected by drama critic and theater promoter J. Willis Sayre. They consist of autographed portraits of actors, vaudeville performers, movie stills, singers, dancers, musicians, comedians and acrobats representing American theater history primarily from the 1890s and onward. Some are publicity stills from New York and East Coast photographers, others represent works by Pacific Northwest and West Coast artists.
SeaTac/Seattle Minimum Wage Project This digital web archive documents the stories of those involved, as supporters and opponents, in or affected by the struggles over a $15 minimum wage at SeaTac and in Seattle as well as the broader, ongoing effects and efforts at a national level.
Seattle Photographs Ongoing database of historical photographs of Seattle with special emphasis on images depicting neighborhoods, recreational activities including baseball, "The Great Snow of 1916", theaters and transportation.
Seattle Power and Water Supply Collection Historical photographs and pamphlets documenting the construction of hydroelectric power and water supply facilities built in Washington State from the late 1890s to the 1950s including the Snoqualmie Falls Power Plant, the Electron Plant, the Skagit River Hydroelectric Project, and the Cedar River water supply system.
Sephardic Studies Collection The Sephardic Studies Digital Library and Museum has collected from members of the local Seattle Sephardic community more than 500 original Ladino books and thousands of documents composed in Ladino as well as other relevant languages, such as Ottoman Turkish, Hebrew and French.
Skinner (G. William) Map Collection Dr. Skinner was a leading proponent of the spatial approach to Chinese history and the use of maps as a key class of data in ethnography. This collection of over 600 maps comes from his personal collection and covers a variety of demographic and economic themes.
Society and Culture Collection Historical images from Western United States and the Pacific Northwest region covering political and social topics such as women's issues, labor and government, and ethnic groups with special emphasis on the Japanese internment camps in the Northwest during World War II.
South Asian Oral History Project The project represents one of the first attempts in the U.S. to record pan-South Asian immigrant experiences in the Pacific Northwest using the medium of oral history. These interviews reflect religious, linguistic, occupational and gender diversity and provide rich insight into changing experiences of South Asians in the Pacific Northwest.
Stereocard Collection A selection of stereographic views from our archival collections. They consist primarily of landscape and documentary views. In some cases, both front and verso views of a stereograph have been presented.
Student Papers on the Architecture of Puget Sound: 1959-1970s Over 100 papers written by students enrolled in the courses Architecture 360, "Introduction to Architectural Theory," and Architecture 452, "Characteristics of Puget Sound Architecture and Towns," from 1959 to the 1970s, chiefly taught by Victor Steinbrueck.
Sundberg Oral History Digitization Project The Sundberg Nordic Oral History Collection was a project emphasizing Scandinavian emigration and settlement in the US. The interviews were taped by Edward and Gerda Sundberg during a sabbatical from Cabrillo College in 1976. (Subset of Oral Histories Collection.)
Tacoma Community History Project Green加速器安卓版_Green加速器APP v1.7最新下载 - 软件帝:2021-10-25 · Green加速器软件特色 1.联网加速、外服畅游: Green网络加速器具备游戏加速器功能,可伡在您进行外服网络游戏时实现网络加速的效果,使您不再因为网速慢而落后于其他玩家! 2.智能穿透、畅通访问: 网络穿透性好。适合有本地局域网有防火墙限制的情况
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collection Images and text documenting the infamous collapse in 1940 of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Also covers "Galloping Gertie's" creation, subsequent studies involving its aerodynamics, and finally the construction of a second bridge spanning the Narrows.
Tacoma Then and Again "Then and Now" photography of buildings, streets, neighborhoods, and parks in Tacoma. High quality digital scans of historic photographs of Tacoma's urban core have been paired with contemporary digital photos shot from the same vantages.
Thwaites (John E.) Photographs of Alaska, 1905-1920 Photographs by John E. Thwaites, an amateur photographer, who recorded scenes in Southeastern Alaska while working as a federal mail service clerk from 1905 to about 1920. Images include the aftermath of Aleutian chain volcanic eruptions; maritime disasters including the famous 1910 Farallon shipwreck; Aleutian Natives and Eskimos, Alaska industries and small town daily life.
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Tollman and Canaris Photographs of the Salmon Industry in Washington State, 1893-1897 加速器排行|Valorant无法安装怎么办?Golink加速器解决 ...:2021-6-3 · Golink加速器(www.golink.com)采用军工级光缆显著降低网络延迟问题,常见的延迟、丢包、跳ping等问题都将影人而解,下载注册即可免费使用白嫖党伞的福音,各位还在选择加速器的旁友伞不妨试试免费Golink加速器(www.golink.com)。
express加速器 An ongoing database of over historical photographs of transportation in the Pacific Northwest region and Western United States including ships, railroads, aviation, automobiles and other motor vehicles.
Urban Archives Database Items in this collection focus on communication in public spaces. The database includes materials such as graffiti, public art, advertising, signage, and architectural design.
UW Bothell Community Voices Collection Oral histories conducted by - and with - University of Washington Bothell students, staff, faculty, and community members. Open content video, audio, and transcripts of all interviews.
UW Bothell Northwest Prison Archive The Northwest Prison archive gathers documents of and testimonials by incarcerated poeple about issues ranging from criminal justice and the urban condition to popular culture and the natural world.
UW Bothell Social Justice and Diversity Archive The UW Bothell Social Justice and Diversity Archive documents and preserves the work and history of social justice organizations in Bothell and the Puget Sound region using student researchers to conduct interviews and collect documents and media.
UW Bothell Wetlands Collection Photographs, documents, and video documenting the restoration of the UW Bothell/Cascadia CC Wetlands, from its early day before and during construction through its ecological development to the present times. Images address many aspects of the science and natural history of the site and its human use.
UW Campus Photographs Photographs reflecting the early history of the University of Washington campus from its beginnings as the Territorial University through its establishment at its present site on the shores of Lake Washington. The database documents student activities, buildings, departments, and athletics.
UW Image Bank The UW Image Bank is an extensive collection of high-quality images of art, architecture, and cultural and historical materials. The Image Bank includes images of cultural production from diverse world cultures, time periods, sites, and cultural institutions, and covers most major monuments of world art and architectural history. (UW-Restricted collection)
green极光加速器 A visual survey of the art on display in public areas throughout the University of Washington Libraries, Seattle campus. Many of the pieces are on temporary, long-term loan to the Libraries from the Campus Art Collection or from University Departments, or they may be owned by the Libraries.
UW Student Newspapers Archive A pilot project to provide access to digital facsimiles of the student newspapers published at the University of Washington's three campuses over time. These papers are the historical records of each campus as seen through the eyes of the students, faculty, and staff who contributed to each issue.
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UW Yearbooks and Documents This collection contains University of Washington student yearbooks from 1900 to 1994.
Van Olinda (Oliver S.) Photographs of Puget Sound, 1880s-1930s Photographs depicting early pioneer activities, industries and occupations, recreation, street scenes, Native Americans, and boat traffic on Vashon Island, Whidbey Island, and other Puget Sound communities from the 1880s to the 1930s. Photographed primarily by Oliver S. Van Olinda, a career newspaperman and resident of Vashon Island, Washington.
Vietnam War Era Ephemera Collection This database contains leaflets, posters and newspapers that were distributed on the University of Washington campus during the decades of the 1960s and 1970s. They reflect the social environment and political activities of the youth movement in Seattle during that period.
Waite (Alvin H.) Photographs of Tacoma and Washington State, 1892-1907 Images by photographer Alvin H. Waite from the turn of the century depicting panoramic scenes of Tacoma and his travels in Washington especially his mountaineering expeditions to Mount Rainier and vicinity.
War Poster Collection A selection of images from the University of Washington Libraries' World War I and World II Poster Collection featuring propaganda posters and broadsides from the United States, Western Europe and the Axis powers.
Warner (Arthur Churchill) Photographs of Washington State and Alaska, 1884-1945 Images by the pioneer photographer A.C. Warner from the late 1800s and early 1900s of Seattle conventional street scenes, waterfront activity, city parks and regrading of downtown.
Washington State Jewish Archives Photographs dating from the mid 1800s to present day, that relate to Jewish life and history in the Pacific Northwest, as well as nationally and internationally. Represented here are only a selection of the thousands of images in the Washington State Jewish Archives Photograph Collection.
Washington State Localities Photographs 加速器排行|Valorant无法安装怎么办?Golink加速器解决 ...:2021-6-3 · Golink加速器(www.golink.com)采用军工级光缆显著降低网络延迟问题,常见的延迟、丢包、跳ping等问题都将影人而解,下载注册即可免费使用白嫖党伞的福音,各位还在选择加速器的旁友伞不妨试试免费Golink加速器(www.golink.com)。
Watson (Dwight) Photographs of Washington State, 1933-1943 green加速器下载_green加速器安卓版下载_全方位下载:2021-6-15 · green加速器是专为玩家伞打造的一款专业免费、免安装、免注册、免登录的手机加速软件。突破了传统加速器无关项目多,界面庞大的缺点,green加速器采用创新的透明风格,无任何广告骚扰,随时帮助你加速任何手游,不会出现卡顿,延迟,掉线现象影响你的游戏体验。
Western Waters Texts Part of the Western Waters Digital Library which offers free public access to digital collections of significant primary and secondary resources on water in the western United States. (green加速器下载百度云)
Women Who Rock Oral History Collection Women Who Rock brings together scholars, musicians, media-makers, performers, artists, and activists to explore the role of women and popular music in the creation of cultural scenes and social justice movements in the Americas and beyond.
World and Regional Maps, 16th to 19th Centuries Color examples from the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections Division's Rare Map Collection dating from the 16th to early 20th centuries spanning: the world, Western and Eastern Hemispheres, continents, countries and cities. This collection emphasizes North America, the Pacific Northwest, and exploration in this region from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
WTO Seattle Collection A collection of interviews and images depicting the protests of the WTO ministerial meeting held in Seattle on November 29 - December 3, 1999. The collection illustrates the efforts to bring activists to Seattle as well as the diversity of the protests.